Day 25 –

Posted: March 19, 2011 in Health, Isagenix, OBESE, Wellness

WOW I HAVE BEEN SO BUSY! So busy that I haven’t been able to work out since Thursday WHICH I HATE!

Today was a LONG DAY AT WORK! ERGGG! No on likes it when the clock moves slower than honey coming out of a ketchup bottle! UGH!

I had a few tired moments at work and really think it from lack of enough water. I am trying to find a good balance so I am not going to the bathroom ALL THE TIME! LOL

Tonight was my very first ISAGENIX meeting. I went to Augusta since I invited some of my really good friends! What a great meeting! It was so nice to get more information, see my ISAcoach, and try and help others find a healthier way of life!

I decided tonight that I am going to really try to push myself int he next 30 days to work out more, get out more now that it is warming up outside, and share ISAGENIX with more people than I have yet! Someone at the meeting said it would be selfish of us to not share this with others. It is just like sharing Jesus. how selfish are we when we don’t share His love for us with others.

I need to do a lot more sharing! Not just with ISAGENIX but JESUS!!!!!! So much to be thankful for!

PS. Thankful for Jolin U and her husband for their encouragement! They have helped me so much in this journey. It makes me believe I can do this! I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!

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